Papilloma is a benign skin growth formed due to the proliferation of epithelial cells.
Reasons for the appearance
Benign tumors arise as a result of infection of the body with the papilloma virus. Doctors say that 80% of the country's adult population are carriers.
In most cases, the virus does not make itself felt, but when the immune system is disturbed, it is activated and papillomas begin to grow. Weakening of the immune system is caused by:
- excess of work;
- Poor nutrition;
- bad habits;
- pregnancy;
- illnesses.
If you find a papilloma on your body or face, you need to consult a doctor: get tested for antibodies against the virus and undergo the proposed treatment. But you can try to deal with folk methods.
If you consult a doctor, he or she may have different options for solving the problem.
They differ in the degree of tissue damage, the duration of wound healing, the development of complications and effectiveness, they are:
- chemical destruction;
- electrocoagulation;
- cryotherapy;
- laser therapy;
- radio wave surgery;
- electroradiosurgical method;
- Photodynamic therapy.
The procedures are expensive, so many people prefer to deal with unsightly growths on their own.
Adhesive medical tape
Special adhesive medical tape is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is impregnated with a composition that promotes rapid removal of papillomas. The treatment is simple - cut a piece of the desired size and stick it to the papilloma, leave it for five days.
Before removing the bandage, soak a small piece of gauze in water and apply it to the bandage for five minutes. Remove it with a sharp movement, like a wax strip. In most cases, the strip comes off along with the papilloma.
Products for internal use
Since the papilloma virus is activated when the normal functioning of the immune system is disturbed, first of all it is necessary to take care of strengthening the immune system. In addition to medicines prescribed by a doctor, you can use traditional methods: decoctions, infusions, balms.
Vitamin drink
This drink is a true storehouse of nutrients. To prepare, you will need a tablespoon of dried rose hips, dried or fresh strawberries, cranberries and chamomile. Place all components in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew for at least five hours. Then strain the infusion through cheesecloth, add two or three spoons of honey and mix well. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with regular sugar.
This infusion is best done in the evening so that in the morning you have a ready-made drink. You need to drink it throughout the day.
Herbal infusion
To prepare it, buy nettle, plantain, lemon balm, horsetail and dandelion at the pharmacy. Place a teaspoon of each herb in an enamel pan, add half a liter of water and bring to a boil in a water bath.
As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat, cover the pan and wrap it in a towel - you need to let the broth infuse for at least three hours. Then strain, pour into a glass container and refrigerate. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink a third of a glass of this infusion. The entire course should last 10 days, and after a week break it must be repeated.
Removing papillomas with walnut
Walnut is a good folk remedy for papillomas. Fruits and leaves are used. The only "but" is that the walnut gives the treated skin a brown tint. Therefore, to eliminate papillomas in visible places, it is better not to use nuts.
Walnut ointment
To prepare the ointment, it is best to use slightly unripe nuts, but if they are not available, ripe ones will also work. Take 10 peeled grains, pass them through a meat grinder and place in a glass container. Pour kerosene to cover all the nuts. Close the jar with a lid and refrigerate for three weeks.
After three weeks, strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth, carefully squeezing the nut pulp itself. Pour the resulting liquid back into the glass container. Every night, before going to bed, wet small gauze pads and apply them to the papillomas for 30 minutes.
Please note that napkins dry very quickly - they need to be constantly moistened. After about 5 days of treatment, the papillomas will shrink by half. They will disappear completely in about two weeks. If this does not happen, wait a week and repeat the treatment.
Walnut puree
The medicine is very similar to the previous ones, but it is much stronger. Make sure the mixture does not reach healthy areas of the skin as it may damage it. It is best to protect the skin with plastic wrap.
You will need:
- 2-3 peeled walnuts,
- a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Pass the nuts through a meat grinder - you should get a homogeneous mass. Add a small amount of apple cider vinegar, stirring the nuts constantly - you should get a smooth puree. Before going to bed, after taking a shower, apply a thick layer of this mixture to the papilloma, cover with cotton wool and leave for about 1 hour. Then rinse the skin with water and lubricate with baby cream.
You will notice the first improvements no earlier than a week later. But don't be upset - the process will be quick - in just 10-12 days most papillomas will disappear. If this does not happen, stop the treatment because it is not suitable for you and choose another medicine. True, this is extremely rare.
Alcohol tincture of walnuts
If your papillomas are still in their infancy, you can act proactively and stop them from growing. And here the walnut, or rather the tincture made with it, will once again be your ally. It is prepared simply: chop 10 peeled walnut kernels, place them in a glass jar and pour half a glass of vodka.
It is necessary to infuse the nuts for at least a week and only in a cool, dark place. Be sure to shake the container with the dye a few times a day. It can be strained before using. The treatment itself is even simpler than the preparation - you need to lubricate the papillomas with cotton wool dipped in the tincture five to six times a day. You will notice the results of your efforts within two weeks.
Papilloma treatment with garlic
The healing properties of garlic help people with various diseases, including the destruction of papillomas. But be careful - the effect of garlic juice is very strong: if it comes into contact with healthy areas of the skin, allergic reactions are possible.
Garlic juice
Peel a clove of garlic, cut it in half and squeeze it a little, and rub the released juice well into each papilloma. The procedure must be done two to three times a day, until the papillomas disappear completely. This usually happens in about two to three weeks. This remedy only helps if the papillomas appeared relatively recently and have not yet reached large sizes.
Garlic with honey
If pure garlic juice causes too much discomfort, you can try replacing it with garlic puree and honey. Please note that honey cannot be used if you are allergic to it. Replace with sunflower oil.
To prepare this remedy, peel a few cloves of garlic (depending on the quantity and size of the papillomas), pass them through a garlic press and add a little honey or butter - you should get a mass with a creamy consistency. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - apply a thick layer of this mixture to the papillomas. Cover the top of the garlic mass with a gauze napkin and leave for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse the skin with water and let it dry without wiping.
The papillomas will begin to decrease in size on the second or third day. But do not stop treatment until the last papilloma disappears - this will take about 20 days. If the papillomas do not disappear within this period, you can try repeating the treatment once again, taking a week's break before doing so.
Garlic ointment
Helps to eliminate even old papillomas. To prepare it, peel a clove of garlic, chop it and mix well with a teaspoon of baby cream. Apply a thick layer of ointment to each papilloma, place a layer of gauze and plastic wrap on top, secure with tape and leave for two hours.
There should be no unpleasant sensations - at most a slight tingling sensation. If your skin is very sensitive, wash the ointment off immediately with clean, cold water. Do not use this product again.
If everything went well, continue the treatment: do the procedure twice a day for a week. Then take a break for three days and repeat the treatment.
Treatment of papillomas with celandine
Celandine is an aggressive product that can damage healthy skin around papillomas. Therefore, apply products carefully and precisely.
Celandine juice
Choose the plant and rub each papilloma well with the juice that appears on the stem. In the first week, clean them every three hours, in the second and third weeks - three times a day. In about a month, the neoplasms will disappear.
Celandine tincture with alcohol
Cut the celandine and place three tablespoons of the chopped plant in a glass container, pour half a glass of water and half a glass of vodka. Close the container tightly and refrigerate for five days. Do not forget to shake the medicine periodically during this period.
Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, make compresses - soak a piece of cotton wool in the infusion, apply it to the papilloma, cover it with plastic wrap and secure it with a bandage or plaster. The duration of the compress is 15 minutes. Rinse the papillomas with cold water, let the skin dry and lubricate it with regular baby cream. Treatment should last three weeks.
Celandine Extract
Cut 150 grams of fresh celandine, place in a small enamel container and pour a glass of boiling water. After the water has cooled to room temperature, bring the infusion to a boil, reduce heat and cook until most of the water has evaporated - a quarter of the original volume should remain.
Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in a terry towel, leave for 10 hours. Then strain the broth and squeeze the celandine. Pour the resulting product into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Every morning and evening, make a compress - soak gauze in the broth and apply it to the papilloma for 10 minutes. Treatment must be continued until the papillomas disappear completely.
Other recipes
Allergy sufferers and those who cannot stand the smell of garlic can use other recipes - their effectiveness is approximately the same.
Egg white
All you need is the white film that remains on the shell of a raw egg. Collect it on a cotton swab and carefully lubricate all papillomas. Do not wet the papillomas for about one and a half to two hours. Repeat this procedure twice a day – morning and evening. On average, papilloma treatment takes about a month.
Ice cubes
Buy chaga, string and celandine at the pharmacy. Place half a teaspoon of each plant in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and cover, leave for 8 hours.
Then strain the broth very well, pour it into an ice tray and put it in the freezer. Every evening, apply a cube of the resulting herbal ice to each papilloma and leave until the ice melts completely.
Castor oil and tea tree oil help get rid of papillomas in a short time. To begin with, you should try castor oil, which is milder. Rub the oil into the papillomas two to three times a day - after three to four weeks they will begin to disappear.
If that doesn't help, start rubbing in tea tree essential oil. Soak a cotton swab in the oil and very carefully, preventing the oil from coming into contact with healthy skin, lubricate the papillomas. Repeat this procedure once a day and in just two weeks the papillomas will disappear.
Potato juice
Wash a small tuber well, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Using cheesecloth, squeeze the potato juice and drink it. Apply the pulp to the papilloma and cover the top with a plastic bag, secure with adhesive plaster.
Aloe vera
The treatment will only be effective if the plant is more than five years old. Cut the sheet in half and apply the cut to the papilloma, secure with tape and leave for three hours. Do the procedure every day - in about a week you will see the result.
Banana peel
The treatment is ridiculously simple - clean the papilloma with a banana peel as often as possible. When working, cut the banana peel into small pieces and place in a small container. You will be able to periodically leave the office and clean papillomas. Treatment lasts approximately two to three weeks.
Eggshell powder
You will need two eggshells, an adhesive bandage and medical cotton. Heat the oven to 250 degrees, place the shells on a baking tray and bake for about 30 minutes. Then, when the eggshells have cooled, grind them in a coffee grinder or pestle. Tear the cotton into small pieces and prepare an adhesive plaster. Generously sprinkle each papilloma with powder, cover the top with cotton wool and secure with a bandage. Change the bandage every three days, in total you will need to use the compresses for two to three weeks. Store eggshell powder in a glass or plastic container with an airtight lid.
Despite the abundance of folk recipes for papillomas, we recommend contacting a dermatologist, who will suggest a way to remove tumors and prevent their reappearance.